1 Powersoft DataWindow Control 2 Powersoft DataWindow Property Page 8 Powersoft DataWindow Property Page Three 100 General 104 Scrolling 400 Day should be specified using d, dd, ddd or dddd. 401 Year should be specified using yy or yyyy. 402 Hour should be specified using h or hh. 403 Seconds should be specified using s or ss 404 Minutes should be specified using m or mm 405 Time should be specified using AM/PM, am/pm, a/p or A/P. 406 Microseconds allows up to nnnnnn. 407 Release %d.%d 408 This feature is currently not supported on this platform 437 DBMS %s is not supported in your current installation. 440 Internal error occurred during conversion. 441 . 442 , 443 444 GROUP BY 445 ALL 446 ASC 447 WHERE 448 ORDER BY 449 DESC 450 DISTINCT 451 UNION 452 SELECT 453 FROM 454 \n 455 ( 456 ) 457 and 458 null 459 HAVING 460 HOLDLOCK 461 Function sequence error. 462 Invalid connection handle. 463 Invalid statement handle. 464 Could not connect to Database. 465 Data truncation error. 466 Connection in use. 467 Option not supported. 468 Option value not supported. 469 Option must be set before connecting to database. 470 Option value changed. 471 Connection not in use. 472 Driver not capable. 473 Could not open cursor. 474 Data type not supported. 475 Invalid column number. 476 Invalid SELECT syntax for reading or writing blob data. 477 Need more data. 500 Regular 501 Italic 502 Bold 503 Bold Italic 510 AaBbYyZz 511 This is a True Type font. This font will be used on both your screen and your printer. 512 This is a screen font. The closest matching printer font will be used for printing. 513 This is a scalable printer resident font. The image on screen may not match the printed output. 514 Select Pointer 515 Pointer(.cur)|*.cur| 516 Select Drag Icon 517 Drag Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 520 Arrow! 521 IBeam! 522 HourGlass! 523 Cross! 524 UpArrow! 525 Size! 526 Icon! 527 SizeNWSE! 528 SizeNESW! 529 SizeWE! 530 SizeNS! 531 No! 532 AppStarting! 533 Help! 540 Application! 541 None! 542 Rectangle! 543 Error! 544 Question! 545 Warning! 546 Information! 547 WinLogo! 550 Select Icon 551 Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 552 Select Picture 553 Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|RunLengthEncode(.rle)|*.rle|Windows Metafile(.wmf)|*.wmf| 554 PICT(.pct)|*.pct|Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|RunLengthEncode(.rle)|*.rle|Windows Metafile(.wmf)|*.wmf| 555 Select Rich Text Format File 556 RichTextFormat(.rtf)|*.rtf|Text Files(.txt)|*.txt| 557 Select Image 558 Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|RunLengthEncode(.rle)|*.rle|Windows Metafile(.wmf)|*.wmf|Pointer(.cur)|*.cur|Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 559 PICT(.pct)|*.pct|Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|RunLengthEncode(.rle)|*.rle|Windows Metafile(.wmf)|*.wmf|Pointer(.cur)|*.cur|Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 560 Select Library 561 PB Libraries (*.pbl)|*.pbl| 562 Select Resource File 563 Resource Files (*.pbr)|*.pbr| 564 Select File Template 565 All Files (*.*)|*.*| 566 Select Image 567 Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp|Pointer(.cur)|*.cur|Icon(.ico)|*.ico| 568 Select Bitmap 569 Bitmap(.bmp)|*.bmp| 570 PB ANSI Libraries (*.pbl)|*.pbl| 600 Black 601 White 602 Red 603 Fuchsia 604 Lime 605 Yellow 606 Blue 607 Aqua 608 Maroon 609 Purple 610 Green 611 Olive 612 Navy 613 Teal 614 Gray 615 Silver 616 Mint 617 Sky 618 Cream 619 Medium Gray 620 Custom 621 Transparent 622 AppWrkSpc 623 WndText 624 ButtonFace 625 WndBkrnd 700 APR 701 APRIL 702 AUG 703 AUGUST 704 DEC 705 DECEMBER 706 FEB 707 FEBRUARY 708 JAN 709 JANUARY 720 JUL 721 JULY 722 JUN 723 JUNE 724 MAR 725 MARCH 726 MAY 727 MAY 728 NOV 729 NOVEMBER 730 OCT 731 OCTOBER 732 SEP 733 SEPTEMBER 734 Jan 735 Feb 736 Mar 737 Apr 738 May 739 Jun 740 Jul 741 Aug 742 Sep 743 Oct 744 Nov 745 Dec 746 January 747 February 748 March 749 April 750 May 751 June 752 July 753 August 754 September 755 October 756 November 757 December 758 Sun 759 Mon 760 Tue 761 Wed 762 Thu 763 Fri 764 Sat 765 Sunday 766 Monday 767 Tuesday 768 Wednesday 769 Thursday 770 Friday 771 Saturday 772 The Unicode font substitution has been set or changed. Please reboot for these changes to take effect. 773 Unicode Font Substitution 800 JAN 801 FEB 802 MAR 803 APR 804 MAY 805 JUN 806 JUL 807 AUG 808 SEP 809 OCT 810 NOV 811 DEC 900 on 901 devices 902 .DRV 903 windows 904 device 905 DEVICEMODE 1020 Properties for 1021 Close 1022 WTABCCCN 1500 Save Graph Data As 1501 Excel Spreadsheet|*.xls|Text|*.txt|CSV|*.csv|SYLK|*.slk|WKS|*.wks|WK1|*.wk1|DIF|*.dif|dBase 2|*.dbf|dBase 3|*.dbf|SQL|*.sql| 2501 BGRHOLBX 2502 BGRSOLX 2503 BGRSOLST 2504 BGRHOLUP 2505 BGRHOLDN 2506 BGRHOLCR 2507 BGRHOLDM 2508 BGRSOLBX 2509 BGRSOLDN 2510 BGRSOLUP 2511 BGRSOLDM 2512 BGRSOLCR 2513 BGRSOLPL 3101 release 3;\n 3102 datawindow(units=0 timer_interval=0 color=1073741824 processing=0 3103 print.documentname="" print.orientation = 0 3104 print.margin.left = 107 print.margin.right = 107 3105 print.margin.top = 97 print.margin.bottom = 97 3106 print.paper.source = 0 print.paper.size = 0 print.prompt=no )\n 3107 header(height=1 color="536870912") \n 3108 summary(height=4 color="536870912") \n 3109 footer(height=1 color="536870912") \n 3110 detail(height=10 color="536870912")\n table( 3111 ) 3120 \n column=(type= 3121 name= 3122 dbname=" 3123 " ) 3201 \n compute(band=detail color="0" alignment="0" border="0" x="1835" y="35" height="52" width="175" 3202 format=" 3203 font.face="Arial" font.height="-8" font.weight="400" font.family="2" font.pitch="2" 3204 font.charset="0" background.mode="2" background.color="16777215") 3208 " expression=" 3209 " name= 3301 title 3302 seriesaxislabel 3303 categoryaxislabel 3304 valuesaxislabel 3305 series 3306 category 3307 value 3308 sumforgraph 3309 sumforseries 3310 sumforcategory 3311 percentofgraph 3312 percentofseries 3313 percentofcategory 3314 seriespercentofgraph 3315 categorypercentofgraph 3316 seriescount 3317 categorycount 3318 graphtype 3319 seriesnumber 3320 categorynumber 3321 displaytitle 3322 displayseriesLabel 3323 displaycategoryLabel 3324 displayvaluesLabel 3325 displayseries 3326 displaycategory 3327 displayvalues 3328 displaylegend 3329 displaypie 3501 title 3502 seriesaxislabel 3503 categoryaxislabel 3504 valuesaxislabel 3505 series 3506 category 3507 value 3508 series 3509 if(seriescount > 1, series,string(percentofseries,"0.00%")) 3510 category 3601 char(255) 3602 number 3603 date 3604 time 3605 datetime 3606 Entry '%s' not valid! 3607 Graph 3608 Series 1 3609 Series 2 3610 Series 3 5191 [General] 5192 Arial 5193 (None) 5200 Left 5201 Center 5202 Right 5300 (None) 5301 45 Degrees Left 5302 90 Degrees Left 5303 45 Degrees Right 5304 90 Degrees Right 5430 All Pages in Range 5431 Odd Pages 5432 Even Pages 5433 Print to File 5437 Powersoft Report (*.psr) *.psr 5438 Print (*.prn) *.prn 5700 Solid 5701 Dash 5702 Dot 5703 Dash-Dot 5704 Dash-Dot-Dot 5705 (None) 7001 Cannot open icon file '%s'. 7002 File '%s' is not a valid icon. 7003 Cannot open cursor file '%s'. 7004 File '%s' is not a valid cursor. 7008 File '%s' is not supported. Only monochrome cursors supported. 7010 Format is valid. 7011 Format too large. 7012 Invalid color specified in format. 7013 Too many sections specified in format. 7014 Bad character in format. 7015 Unknown key specified in format. e.g. [xxx] where xxx is unknown. 7016 Too many periods found in format. 7017 Unexpected end of format string. 7018 Invalid format. 7019 Month should be specified using m, mm, mmm or mmmm. 7029 pb PowerBuilder 7030 dw DWBuilder 7031 im InfoMaker 8001 Device-Independent Bitmap 8002 a Device-Independent Bitmap 8003 Metafile 8004 a Metafile 8005 Bitmap 8006 a Bitmap 8007 PBLICENSEKEY 8008 PBOLEPROPERTYDATA 8009 PowerBuilder 8010 Control Properties 8011 CLSID\{6454C819-C1FA-11ce-8891-00805F70D324} 8012 PowerBuilder Property Page 8013 InprocServer 8014 InprocServer32 8015 PBOCXSTREAM 8016 PBOCXSTORAGE 8017 propertyrequestedit 8018 propertychanged 8019 externalexception 8020 error 8021 Facility Information:\n %d - %s!\n\nUser Information:\n%d 8022 Facility Error:\n %d - %s!\n\nUser Error:\n%d 8026 Browse Control 8027 Typelib Error 8028 Insertable Objects 8029 OLE Custom Controls 8030 Programmable Objects 8031 OLEControl 8032 OLECustomControl 8033 OLEObject 8034 ProgID 8035 .object 8036 OLE Control Register 8037 OLE Control Unregister 8038 Create New 8039 Create From File 8040 Insert Control 8041 Insert Object 8042 OCX_ 8043 _pb_internal_oleauto 8045 REGEDIT4 \n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \n; \n; Registry entries for 8046 \n; \n; CLSID = 8047 \n; \n; PowerBuilder Generated Registry File \n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \n \n; Version independent entries: \n 8048 \n; Version specific entries: \n 8049 \n; CLSID entries: \n 8050 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ 8051 CLSID 8052 NotInsertable 8053 Programmable 8054 CurVer 8055 = 8056 ProgID 8057 VersionIndependentProgID 8058 InProcServer32 8059 PowerBuilder\ClassName 8060 PowerBuilder\LibraryList 8061 PowerBuilder\BinaryType 8062 PCODE 8063 MCODE 8064 AppID 8065 \n; Type Library Registration entries: \n 8066 TypeLib 8067 Type Library for 8068 Win32 8070 PowerBuilder 8080 Functions 8081 Events 8082 Properties 8083 Class Information 8084 Microsoft Word 9000 Empty 9001 NULL 9002 short 9003 long 9004 real 9005 double 9006 currency 9007 datetime 9008 string 9009 IDispatch 9010 error 9011 boolean 9012 variant 9013 IUnknown 9016 signed char 9017 unsigned char 9018 unsigned short 9019 unsigned long 9020 signed 64 bit integer 9021 unsigned 64 bit integer 9022 int 9023 unsigned int 9024 VOID 9025 HRESULT 9026 Pointer 9029 UserDefined 9030 LPSTR 9031 LPWSTR 9032 OleObject 9033 any 9064 filetime 9065 blob 9072 ClSID 9073 Enum int 9100 REF 9101 [] 10001 Initialization failed 10002 Termination failed 10003 Maximum number of tasks exceeded 10004 Task not initialized 10005 Storage Manager 'Begin' failed 10006 Storage Manager 'New Pool' failed 10007 Storage Manager 'Allocate' for Application failed 10008 Invalid Parameter - Null PBROICONTROL Pointer 10009 Storage Manager 'Allocate' failed in PBAPPLICATION::GetDefaultStorage() 10010 Invalid Parameter - Null PBROISTORAGE Pointer 10011 Invalide Remote Object Type 10012 Initialization of subsystem failed. 10013 PBROISTORAGE::SetName Allocate for name string failed 10014 PBROISTORAGE Constructor failed 10015 PBROISTORAGE::HasChanged Null parameter 10016 PBROICONTROL::Constructor failed 10017 PBROICONTROL::GetNextInStorage Null parameter 10018 PBROICONTROL::AppNotify No notify function Available 10019 PBROICONTROL::Window Error returned by user notify proc 10020 PBROICONTROL::FrameWindow Error returned by user notify proc 10021 PBROICONTROL::Rectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10022 PBROICONTROL::ScrolledRectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10023 PBROICONTROL::IsMDI Error returned by user notify proc 10024 PBROICONTROL::ClippingRectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10025 PBROICONTROL::InPlaceAccelerators Error returned by user notify proc 10026 PBROICONTROL::FrameRectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10027 PBROICONTROL::WindowRectangle Error returned by user notify proc 10028 PBROICONTROL::CheckFrameBorder Error returned by user notify proc 10029 PBROICONTROL::CheckWindowBorder Error returned by user notify proc 10030 PBROICONTROL::SetFrameBorder Error returned by user notify proc 10031 PBROICONTROL::SetWindowBorder Error returned by user notify proc 10032 ControlPasteLink Paste link not supported by object 10033 There is no data on the clipboard 10034 PasteSpecial format not supported 10035 Null stream 10036 Stream is not open 10037 Error reading stream 10038 Error writing stream 10039 Error seeking on stream 10040 Error getting stream info 10041 ROISTORAGE::Open Invalid share mode 10042 ROISTORAGE::Open Invalid read mode 10043 ROISTREAM::ROISTREAM Invalid read mode 10044 ROISTREAM::ROISTREAM Invalid read mode 10045 ROISTREAM::Create Allocate failed 10046 ROISTORAGE::OpenStream Open failed 10047 ROISTREAM::ROISTREAM Constructor failed 10048 Stream is not open 10049 Invalid stream name 10050 Access denied 10051 A stream or substorage already exists with that name 10052 No stream exists with that name 10053 Stream is already open 10054 PBROISTREAM Object is either destroyed or is in the destructor 10055 PBROISTREAM::Seek Invalid seek type 10056 PBROICONTROL::DoDragDrop Drag drop not implemented 10057 PBROICONTROL::OpenFile Invalid format 10058 Unable to convert from OLE 1 format to OLE 2 format 10059 Storage::Save Storage is not open 10060 Storage member not found 10061 Duplicate storage member name 10062 Storage - insufficient system resources 10063 Storage access denied 10064 Invalid storage state 10065 Parameter error on function call 10066 Unknown storage error 10067 Storage::MemberExists Invalid name 10068 Storage::MemberExists Call error 10069 Function is not implemented 10070 File is not a storage 10071 Control Open (from storage) storage not open 10072 Null PBROIDISPATCHER pointer 10073 Control Open Source type not implemented 10074 Null pInfo parameter on call 10075 PBROIDISPATCHER::EnumMethods NULL Listbox handle 10076 PBROIDISPATCHER No dispatchable object here 10077 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke NULL method name 10078 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Invalid method name 10079 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Method call failed 10080 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Parameter type not supported 10081 PBROIDISPATCHER::SetProperty NULL method name 10082 PBROIDISPATCHER::SetProperty Invalid method name 10083 PBROIDISPATCHER::SetProperty Set call failed 10084 PBROIDISPATCHER::SetProperty Parameter type not supported 10085 PBROIDISPATCHER::GetProperty NULL method name 10086 PBROIDISPATCHER::GetProperty Invalid method name 10087 PBROIDISPATCHER::GetProperty Get call failed 10088 PBROIDISPATCHER::GetProperty Parameter type not supported 10089 PBROISTORAGE::Open Parent storage is not open 10090 Storage object is of a different type 10091 Control object is of a different type 10092 Stream object is of a different type 10093 Dispatcher object is of a different type 10094 PBROICONTROL::Insert file not Found 10095 PBROICONTROL::Insert Item not found 10096 OLE is not supported 10097 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Parameter array pointer is null 10098 PBROIDISPATCHER::Invoke Expected parameter not found 10099 PBROI_StorageSaveAs Parent storage provided is not open 10100 PBROI_StorageSaveAs Invalid storage name 10101 PBROI_ControlInsertClassName Invalid class name 10102 PBROIDISPATCHER Call not valid. Object is attached to a control 10103 PBROISTREAM::Open Parent storage is not open 10104 PBROICONTROL::GetDoc Error Getting Document Window 10105 PBROICONTROL::xxxxx No data object here 10106 PBROICONTROL::Activate Cant do verb now 10107 PBROICONTROL::Activate Invalid verb 10108 PBROICONTROL::Activate No verbs supported 10109 PBROICONTROL::Activate Verb not implemented 10110 PBROICONTROL::Activate DoVerb error 10111 PBROICONTROL::PasteSpecial Dialog error 10112 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs File already exists 10113 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs Insufficient memory 10114 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs Too many open files 10115 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs Access denied 10116 PBROIDISPATCHER::OpenNew Class Name not found 10117 PBROIDISPATCHER::OpenNew Object create failed 10118 PBROIDISPATCHER::OpenNew Could not connect to dispatcher 10119 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Class Name not found 10120 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Object create failed 10121 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Could not connect to dispatcher 10122 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Can't connect to active object 10123 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open File name not valid 10124 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Can't bind to file 10125 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Persistant files not supported by object 10126 PBROICONTROL::Open Error converting file to current version. File not found 10127 PBROIDISPATCHER::ClassNameListBox Can't access class name service 10128 PBROIDISPATCHER::ClassNameListBox Can't allocate a needed work buffer 10129 PBROICONTROL::SetProperty Subscript error 10130 PBROICONTROL::SetProperty Data type error 10131 PBROICONTROL::GetProperty Subscript error 10132 PBROIDISPATCHER::CallMethod Incorrect number of arguments 10133 PBROIDISPATCHER::CallMethod Incorrect type for one or more parameters 10134 PBROIDISPATCHER Internal error converting to Variant Type 10135 PBROICONTROL::UpdateDispatcher Ole 1 Object - Automation not supported 10136 PBROICONTROL Open failed for a document file 10137 PBROISTORAGE::SaveAs Name copy failed 10138 PBROISTORAGE::MemberDelete Name copy failed 10139 PBROISTORAGE::MemberRename OldName copy failed 10140 PBROISTORAGE::MemberRename NewName copy failed 10141 PBROISTREAM::Open Name copy failed 10142 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Name copy failed 10143 PBROICONTROL::LinkItem Allocate Name failed 10144 PBROICONTROL::SaveToStorage Allocate Name failed 10145 PBROICONTROL::SaveToFile Allocate Name failed 10146 PBROICONTROL DataObject Allocate Name failed 10147 PBROIDISPATCHER::OpenNew Allocate Name failed 10148 PBROIDISPATCHER::Open Allocate Name failed 10149 PBROICONTROL Can't deactivate 10150 No TypeLib guid was specified in Registry for the control. 10151 Load of TypeLib failed for the control. 10152 TypeLib for the control specified no TypeInfo interface. 10153 PBRO_SetUpErrorNotificationEvents Alloc name string failed 10154 PBROICONTROL::IsDesignMode Notification error 10155 PBROIDOCWINDOW Control not found 10156 PBROIAPPLICATION::AddDocWindow Can't allocate Doc Window reference table 10157 PBROIAPPLICATION::AddDocWindow Allocate Doc Window failed 10158 PBROIAPPLICATION Doc Window not found 10159 PBROIDOCWINDOW::AddControl Can't allocate control reference table 10160 PBROIAPPLICATION::GetMasterRuntime FN_RuntimeCreate failed 10161 PBROIAPPLICATION::GetMasterRuntime Invalid EXE type 10162 PBROIAPPLICATION::GetMasterRuntime begin_stg failed 11001 This program requires a newer version of OLE 11002 This program requires a newer version of the OLE Libraries 11003 OLE library initialization failed 11004 Insert Dialog returned an error 11005 Insert From File is not supported 11006 Insert Link is not supported 11007 Create Document File failed 11008 Storage Manager 'Allocate' for OLEDATAOBJECT failed 11009 OLEDATAOBJECT constructor failed 11010 OLEDATAOBJECT OleCreate failed 11011 OLEDATAOBJECT Allocate for IClientSite failed 11012 QueryView failed 11013 Storage Manager 'Allocate' failed for OLECONTROL 11014 OLEDATAOBJECT Allocate for iAdviseSink failed 11015 Invalid parameter - Null OLEDATAOBJECT pointer 11016 OLEDATAOBJECT OleCreateStorage failed 11017 Storage Manager 'Allocate' for OLESTORAGE failed 11018 OLESTORAGE OleCreateDocFile failed 11019 OLESTORAGE OleOpenDocFile failed 11020 OLESTORAGE constructor failed 11021 OLESTORAGE File is not a storage 11022 Storage Manager 'Allocate' for OLESTORAGE.Name failed 11023 OLECONTROL Already has an object 11024 OLECONTROL No object here 11025 OLEDATAOBJECT OleCreateStorage failed 11026 OLESTORAGE Storage has no name 11027 OLEDATAOBJECT Doesn't support save 11028 OLEDATAOBJECT Save failed 11029 OLEDATAOBJECT Allocate name failed 11030 OLEDATAOBJECT Reopen failed 11031 OLEDATAOBJECT Open Substorage failed 12001 PBROICONTROL::DoDragDrop Cancel 12002 PBROICONTROL::DoDragDrop Cut 12003 PBROI_FirePBExternalExceptionEvent Script not implemented 12004 PBROI_FirePBErrorEvent Script not implemented 13001 PBOLEAPPLICATIONDATA::FindClassFactory Entry not found 13002 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::SymbolSearch Symbol not found 13003 PBOLEINBOUNDAUTOMATIONOBJECT::MemberIDSearch Symbol not found 14001 Out of Memory! 14002 Internal error: Corrupted Storage! 14003 Group level specified is not valid. 14004 Unexpected end of input. 14005 Improperly formed number, string or date token. 14007 %s is not a valid sparse column. 14008 Expression is not valid. 14009 Expression cannot contain an aggregate function. 14010 Internal error: Bad token type! 14011 '(' expected after function name. 14012 Second and third arguments of IF must be same type. 14013 ')' expected to close expression after function. 14014 Invalid argument to function. 14015 Internal error: stack improperly maintained. 14016 Internal error: stack improperly maintained. 14017 Expression is not valid. 14018 Missing closing parenthesis. 14019 Internal error: Operand stack underflow. 14020 Internal error: Operator stack underflow. 14021 Internal error: Precedence does not support operator. 14022 Comma missing. 14023 Expecting TRUE/FALSE expression. 14024 Expecting DATETIME expression. 14025 Expecting NUMBER expression. 14026 Expecting STRING expression. 14027 Expecting TIME expression. 14028 Expecting DATE expression. 14029 Expecting BITMAP expression. 14030 Region required for defining a graphic object. 14031 Column number is not valid. 14032 Write of blob failed. Ensure row is inserted before blob is written. 14033 One or more values for '%s' must be provided. Only equality (=) is allowed. 14034 Value required for this item. 14035 Aggregate functions cannot be nested with an aggregate function. 14036 Crosstab is not allowed with the percent function. 14037 Cannot apply criteria to a select statement with a union or nested select or nested report. 14038 Cannot recreate the base environment. \nPlease synchronize source names with expressions. 14039 Nest arguments are incorrectly specified. 14040 Height of bands exceeds page, increase paper size 14041 Cannot apply selection criteria to a nested report %s. 14042 Crosstab nested report %s with retrieval arguments can be used only in composites. 14043 %s is not a valid preprocessor command. 14044 Table definition requires a name. 14045 Data item must match type and length of respective column. 14046 Internal error: %s. 14047 No rules in file. 14048 Select error: %s 14049 Select error: Column lists do not match. 14050 Cannot connect! \n \n%s 14051 Update clause for table %s is invalid. 14052 Key clause for table %s is invalid. \n \nDataWindow is not updateable. 14053 Using clause for table %s is invalid. 14054 Definition of table %s is invalid. 14055 %s \n \nNo changes made to database. \n \n%s 14056 Item '%s' too long.\nMaximum length is %d. 14057 This column's data type (%s) requires the use of an embedded SQL statement. 14058 %s\n\n%s 14059 Definition of chart %s is invalid. 14060 %s cannot be assigned to both %s and %s. 14061 %s and %s are have incompatible type and cannot be assigned. 14062 Item '%s' does not pass validation test. 14063 Item '%s' is not a recognizable date/time field. 14064 '%s' is defined as an operator and cannot be used as a label. 14065 Contradictory constraints specified: '%s' != '%s'. 14066 Sort statement is invalid. 14067 Only one table definition allowed. 14068 Arguments for select are invalid or incomplete. 14069 Not a valid built in function. 14070 Replace existing '%s'? 14071 '%s' is not a valid operator. 14072 Column number larger than count of columns. 14073 Column has invalid type. 14074 Operator requires a numeric type. 14075 Operator requires a string type. 14076 Function argument types are not correct. 14077 Operator requires a boolean type. 14078 Type invalid for operator. 14079 Table filter is not a valid expression. 14080 Column validation is not a valid expression. 14081 Database transaction information not available. \n \nCall SetTrans or SetTransObject function. 14082 Table arguments are incorrectly specified. 14083 Please supply argument '%s' with a value. 14084 Retrieval arguments provided but none expected. 14085 Expecting %d retrieval arguments but got %d. 14086 Retrieve argument %d does not match expected type. 14087 DataWindow does not have UPDATE capability. 14088 Row changed between retrieve and update. 14089 Key is not unique. 14090 '%s' is not a known reference. 14091 Illegal expression. 14092 Cannot generate DataWindow with more than %s columns. 14093 Line %d Column %d: incorrect syntax. 14094 Transaction error: %s 14095 Item validation error on IMPORT. Continue IMPORT? 14096 Expression does not evaluate to true/false. 14097 Update of column '%s' failed. 14098 Style string '%s' is not valid. 14099 Row changed between retrieve and reselect. 14100 Please refresh your crosstab definition. 14101 Specified criteria is invalid. 14102 Warning: Crosstab can only hold up to 300 columns. 14103 Empty string is not a valid SQL Select. 14104 DataWindow syntax has incorrect release number. 14105 Crosstab nested report %s has retrieval arguments and can be used only in composites. 14106 RTF report %s cannot be used as a nested report. 14107 Detected recursion of the nested report %s. 14108 Load of the nested report %s failed. 14109 Types of expressions must match. 14130 DataWindow Error 14131 Database Error 14132 Preparing page %ld of %ld. 14133 Print: %s on %s 14134 String 14135 Number 14136 Datetime 14137 Date 14138 Time 14139 String Array 14140 Number Array 14141 Datetime Array 14142 Date Array 14143 Time Array 14144 DataWindow Error 14145 Filter is OK. 14146 DataWindow 14147 Select Import File 14148 Preparing page %ld of %ld. Copy %ld. 14149 %s on %s 14150 Tab separated file(.txt) *.txt Dbase II & III(.dbf) *.dbf 14151 Expression is OK. 14152 NULL expression is not valid. 14153 Calculating crosstab columns. 14154 Calculating crosstab rows. 14155 Populating crosstab. 14156 Building crosstab. 14157 Reading data. 14158 Ready 14160 Ole error: %d 14161 Ole APIs are called in real mode. 14162 Could not alloc or lock memory. 14163 (OLESTREAM) stream error. 14164 Non static object expected. 14165 Critical data missing. 14166 Error while drawing. 14167 Invalid metafile. 14168 Client chose to abort metafile drawing. 14169 Failed to get/set clipboard data. 14170 Requested format is not available. 14171 Not a valid object. 14172 Invalid option (link update / render). 14173 Invalid protocol. 14174 One of the pointers is invalid. 14175 Objects are not equal. 14176 Invalid handle encountered. 14177 Some general error. 14178 Invalid class. 14179 Command syntax is invalid. 14180 Data format is not supported. 14181 Invalid color palette. 14182 Not a linked object. 14183 Client doc contains objects. 14184 Incorrect buffer size passed to the api. 14185 Drive letter in doc name is invalid. 14186 Failed to establish connection to a network share on which the document is located. 14187 Invalid name (doc name, object name). 14188 Server failed to load template. 14189 Server failed to create new doc. 14190 Server failed to create embedded instance. 14191 Server failed to open document, possible invalid link. 14192 Object is not open for editing. 14193 Failed to launch server. 14194 Failed to communicate with server. 14195 Error in termination. 14196 Error in execute. 14197 Error in show. 14198 Error in sending do verb, or invalid verb. 14199 Item could be missing. 14200 Item could be missing or server doesn't this format. 14201 Server doesn't support rename. 14202 Failure of poking native data to server. 14203 Server failed to render native data. 14204 Server failed to render presentation data. 14205 Trying to block a blocked server or trying to revoke a blocked server or document. 14206 Server is not registered in regestation data base. 14207 Trying to register same doc multiple times. 14208 Server or client task is invalid. 14209 Object is out of date. 14210 Embed doc's client doesn't accept updates. 14211 Error while trying to update. 14212 Server app doesn't understand the format given to its SetData method. 14213 Caller must delete the data when he is done with it. 14260 Page 14261 of 14262 Title 14263 (None) 14264 Save Rows As: 14265 Untitled 14266 Ascending 14267 Descending 14268 (not sorted) 14269 error 14270 CSV|*.csv|CSV with headers|*.csv|Dbase 2|*.dbf|Dbase 3|*.dbf|DIF|*.dif| 14271 Excel|*.xls|Excel with headers|*.xls|Excel5|*.xls|Excel5 with headers|*.xls|HTML Table|*.htm|Powersoft Report|*.psr|SQL|*.sql| 14272 SYLK|*.xls|SYLK with headers|*.xls|Text|*.txt|Text with headers|*.txt| 14273 WKS|*.wks|WKS with headers|*.wks|WK1|*.wk1|WK1 with headers|*.wk1|Windows Metafile|*.wmf| 14274 Transaction not connected 18001 Memory allocation failure. 18002 Object not found in library list. 18003 Unknown error creating object. 18004 Object binary format does not match expected type. 18005 Property accessed as array is not an array. 18006 An unexpected error occurred while executing a method script. 18007 No method was found matching the name and argument list. 18008 Unable to convert variant type to a valid PowerBuilder type. 18009 Insert of OLE object failed, license file required 18010 Insert OLE Control 21300 Library Manager 21301 Fatal disk error, retry? 21302 Out of space on disk, retry? 21303 Could not find resource file '%s', Continue? 21304 This is the unlimited Server Connection for PowerBuilder Version 2.0 from Powersoft Corporation 21305 Error creating exe: Out of disk space or stub size has changed, Continue?